Those Who Shared Their Knowledge
Roy Dwyer, Tilting
Christine Dwyer, Tilting
Sandy Crawford, Fogo
Curtis Burns, Seldom
Cheryl Blake, Barr’d Islands
Rebecca Newman, Fogo
Justin and Hilda McGrath, Tilting
Lillian and Clem Dwyer, Tilting Bernadette Dwyer, Tilting
Alice and Dave Griffin, Seldom
Jean Rowe, Seldom
Phyllis Rowe, Seldom
Jim McGrath, Tilting
Cheryl Cobb-Penton, Joe Batt’s Arm Aubrey and Marie Payne, Seldom
Glen Best, Fogo
Don Best, Fogo
Edith Burt, Change Islands
Pete and Margaret Decker, Joe Batt’s Arm Anna Torraville, Joe Batt’s Arm
Alan Cobb, Joe Batt’s Arm
Jim Edwards, Change Islands
Winston Osmond, Shoal Bay
Linda Osmond, Shoal Bay
Kingman Brewster, Fogo
Earle Cull, Joe Batt’s Arm
Guy Freake, Joe Batt’s Arm
Murray McDonald, Joe Batt’s Arm
Philip Foley, Tilting
Maureen Foley, Tilting
Laura Wells, Shoal Bay
Christine Lynch, Joe Batt’s Arm
Phyllis Combden, Barr’d Islands
Sheila Payne, Fogo
Heather White, Change Islands
Aiden Penton, Joe Batt’s Arm
Tom Barnes, Island Harbour
Melvin Combden, Seldom
Ed Walbourne, Fogo
Freeman Combden, Barr’d Islands Violet Combden, Barr’d Islands Frank Combden, Barr’d Islands Margaret Freake, Shoal Bay Geraldine Cull, Shoal Bay
Donna Rowe, Seldom Austin Reid, Seldom Bernice Hart, Deep Bay Ron Cole, Fogo
Roy Jacobs, Joe Batt’s Arm
Keith Combden, Barr’d Islands
Marion Budden, Island Harbour
Mona Brown, Joe Batt’s Arm
Zita Cobb, Joe Batt’s Arm
Paul Torraville, Fogo
Phil Barnes, Seldom
Barry Payne, Fogo
Marcus Payne, Fogo
Ken Budden, Little Seldom
Leslie Grattan, St. John’s, Change Islands Gordon Slade, St. John’s
Sherry Diamond, Change Islands
Netta LeDrew, Change Islands
Beverly Stevens, Change Islands
Peter Porter, Change Islands
Dave and Viola Hoffe, Change Islands Stephen Brinson, Change Islands
Sadie Edwards, Change Islands
Fred and Mary Cave, Change Islands Pauline Brown, Joe Batt’s Arm
Harry Sheppard, Stag Harbour
Millicent Dwyer, Tilting
Roy Freake, Fogo
Paddy Barry, Tilting
Gwen Burt, Barr’d Islands
Additional Knowledge From the Published or Public Work of
Robert Mellin, Maureen Woodrow, Herb Bown, Todd Boland, The Shorefast Foundation, The Town of Fogo Island, The Town of Change Islands, The Fogo Island Co-operative Society and the Flat Earth Outpost.
Funding or Other Support From
Memorial University of Newfoundland, The Shorefast Foundation, The Goddard College Faculty Development Fund, and The Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council