Chapter 3 pages tagged caribou

There are also Chapter 2 pages tagged caribou.

  • On the Importance and Use of CaribouTa'n Telnuta'n Aqq Telie'wuj Qalipu
  • What Clyde Drew Knows About Carving AntlerTa'n Koqoey Kejitoq Wjit Amaloqsuj Smu
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge: What We Did Where We WereTa'n Tela'taqtimks, Ta'n Eymu'k
  • Remembering Shanks: The Power of WitnessMukwite'lmujik Qunesk: Teliknaq Koqoey Nemitmk Tela'sik
  • Sinew and Skin: Honouring the Gifts of the CaribouTnuan Aqq Wa'qi: Kepmite'tmekl Ta'n Koqoey Qalipu Iknmaskl
  • Making Do: Conjuring a Skin Boat on the LandMimatua'teken: Eltmk Kwitn Na'taqmtuk